•هذا الملف يحتوى
على العصور الآتية
1- The age of Dryden (1660-1700)
2- The age of pope
3- The age of Johnson
4- The
age of Wordsworth (1798-1832)
5- The age of Tennyson
بالنسبة ل هادري الدكتور مشرحش حاجه فيه
The age of Dryden (1660-1700)
1-What are the two elements that influenced
the literature in Dryden's age ?
influence of the age on literature:
The Stuart Restoration was followed
by an great change in the general temper of the English people and this
reaction went so far that together with the galling restraints which religious
fanaticism had unwisely imposed. England now touched low-water mark in its
social history. The court of Charles the second was he most shameless this
country has ever known. The moral ideals of puritans were turned into jest.
Even outside the circle of the court and aristocracy, where things were at
their worst, في كل مكان)) The spirit of corruption spread far and
These conditions have a great
effect on literature and because literature is a social product and reflects
the life of the era.
The literature of the age of Dryden
was corrupted. Real earnestness of purpose had passed away and with this strong
passion, and with this again great creative
الابداعية الخلاق)energy.
influence of France on literature:
In the Restoration age, France had
become the world's great style of taste. Thus, France had a great influence on
English literature. The European supremacy of Italy had now passed away and
France had become the world's arbiter of taste. The political relations between
the two countries increased the influence of France. The contemporary
literature of France was characterized by lucidity and by reason and a great
attention given to form – correctness, elegance and vivacity. It was the
literature that English writers took as a guidance. The final result of this
influence was the growth of an artificial type of poetry.
2-What are The Forerunners of Dryden and How
they affected him ?
In the period of Dryden there were
two writers, whom he himself regarded as his masters, and who were considered
the pioneers of poetry. And so-called classic school of poetry – Edmund Waller
and sir of the so-called "classic" John Denham.
They avoided obscurity of the
metaphysical poets and adopted the good sense and clear expression. In fact, They
were the reformers of English poetry. Dryden maintains that
"The excellence and dignity of time were never fully known till Mr.
Waller taught it."
This means that Waller was the
poets who re-shaping the heroic couplet which we know as the classic or closed
In this kind of heroic couplet the
metrical pause and rhetorical pause come together.
ü Heroic Couplet Two rhyming lines of verse
which are written in iambic pentameter to form a complete thought
Firs Follow Nature, and your Judgment frame.
By her just standard, which is still the same.
ü Iambic pentameter is a line of
verse consisting of five feet and each foot begins with unstressed syllable
followed by a stressed one.
3-Give an account on Dryden's life and his
main works ?
John Dryden is regarded as one of
the most important liberal and Neo-classical critics.
He wrote his first poems, the
"Heroic stanzas on the death of Oliver Cromwell", and in celebration
of the restoration he wrote " Astraea Redux ". In 1670, he was made
poet laureate" and in 1681, he start a new chapter in his life with the
publication of the first of his great satires in verse Absalom and Achitophe. In May,
1700, he died.
John Dryden was a great
English poet, literary critic, translator, and the literary life of Restoration
age to such a playwright who dominated point that the period came to be as the
"Age of Dryden". As a poet he ripen very slowly. His first poem an
elegy of the death of the lord hasting was very bad. His Heroic stanzas,
contain a few fine lines and images are crude and bombastic. He was influenced
by the characteristics of the metaphysical taste and began to form the
Neo-Classical school which revealed his poetic talent.
4-What are the heads, which mark the
establishment of the classical school of poetry in England ?
The Political satires : 'Absalom and Achitophel' a defend the Kings policy against the Earl of
Shaftesbury. "The Medal", another invective against Shaftesbury and
"Mac Flecknoe", a personal attack " on a former friend, Thomas
Shadwell, who had replied to the Medal in a poem filled with abuse.
ü Poems The two great doctrinal:
"Religio Laici" and " The Hind and Prather"
These two poems are not written in the strict religious sense.
There is nothing spiritual about them.
They are written in two opposed points of view.
They are argumentative than poetical. So, he was the first one who
joined argument with poetry.
His mental flexibility and agility gave him remarkable power as a
special pleader.
ü The fables: These tales were
written when Dryden was ill-health, so they give him a little to rank. Among
our best story-tellers in verse.
example, The " Palamon and Arcite", based upon the "knights
Tales of Chaucer," providers an opportunity for a comparison between the
method and art of the 14th century, and those of the 17 century
5-What are the main characteristics of
Dryden's Poetry ?
· Dryden's poetry in its limitations
and merits is representative of the age.
· It has little imaginative power,
little depth of feeling and little spiritual glow or fervor.
· On the other hand, it is
characterized by wonderful intellectuality and a manly vigor of style.
· If Dryden is seldom poetic, he at
least gives us many passages of wonderful, strength eloquence. ( (بلاغه
· He holds his own as a satirist and
as a reasoned in verse. In both these fields, he is still our greatest master.
· It was Dryden's influence that
lifted the classic couplet into the place it was to occupy for many years.
6- Give an account on Butler and his
important works ?
Butler: he was the only important
poet of this period after Dryden. Butler lives on the strength of one work
which is "hudibras" a satire on the puritans.
And saints. Hudibras tells us about the misadventures of a knight and his squire.
Sir Hudibras being a military
knight dealt violently with people who weren't puritans; while his squire,
Ralpho, is an imposter, who assumes the mask of virtue for his own profit that
will be set by heels.
7-What are the main Characteristics of
Hudibras ?
To modern taste "Hudibras" is far too long; some of it best
passages suffer from prolixity.
It is full of wit and vivacity وضوح
It's doggerel (irregular) meter is fitted to the spirit and purpose of
the burlesque (comic)
It was butler's intention to kill puritanism by ridicule.
Butler saw only the extravagance and the charlatanism that were
associated with puritanism.
8-What are the differences between the old
and the new prose of the Age of Dryden ?
Matthew Arnold says "The
Restoration marks the real moment of birth of our modern prose', and enables us
to be clear, plain and short.
The older prose was too complex the
sentences were long; it followed Latin syntax بناء
الجملة parentheses جمل
اعتراضية were many. In the new prose all these
characteristics are changed. The sentences are much shorter and simpler; the
parentheses are cleared away.
9-What are the Causes that lead to
establishment of the new prose ?
ü The Spread of the spirit of common
sense and of the critical temper of mind which was so damaging to the interests
of poetry.
ü The influence of science, which
favored clearness of thought and plainness of expression.
ü A new kind of public was growing up
which was varied in character and tastes. This change of public meant that
things which had formerly been treated in a dry, and difficult way had to be
made simple and pleasant.
ü In the age of political and
religious excitement, there was a great development of that sort of literature
which we now class under the head of journalism.
ü The influence of France literature.
France had evolved a kind of prose that, with its clearness, flexibility, and
good taste, provided the model that the English writers needed for their
9-What are the main characteristics of
Dryden's prose and give an account on john Bunyan ?
In his criticism he discusses nearly all topics, which were of interest
to the literary world of his time; the forms and methods of the drama, the
relations of art and nature…etc.
His best criticism found in his writings on the drama, and particularly
in the "Essay of Dramatic Poesy ", in which he considers the types of
Dryden often writes hastily and is careless in detail and he accepted
the limitations and prejudices of his age, so it has a historical important.
His prose style is characterized by clearness, vigor and colloquial ease العامية .
The only
really great name in the prose literature of Dryden's age is that of john
Bunyan. He was born at Bedfordshire. Bunyan wrote much; but his four great
works are "grace Abounding"," The pilgrim's progress",
"The life and Death of Mr. Badman" and " The Holy war."
10-Give an account on Bunyan and his
important works ?
ü He is only man in our literature
who has ever succeeded in writing a long prose allegory حكاية
ü The combined vividness حيوية
and plainness of his writings is also another
remarkable feature of his work.
ü Bunyan was not an educated man; he
knew nothing of the classics; nothing about theories of literature or nothing
even, about English literature.
11-What is the opposition between Bunyan
& Milton ?
Both were puritans; Milton, the master of all the learning of the
schools, was fed also by the renaissance, while Bunyan was the child of
puritanism only. If therefore we are asked to name the greatest product of
puritanism on English literature, our choice should fall on " the
pilgrim's progress" rather than on" paradise lost"
بنقول ان الاثنين نتاج للحركة التطهيرية ولكن ميلتون متعلم ولكن اذا اردنا ان نأتى
بعمل يعبر عن الحركه التطهريه سيكون هذا العمل هو عمل بيونين وليس ميلتون
12-What are the main characteristics of
Dryden's prose and give an account on john Bunyan ?
The controlling didactic purpose
and the allegorical form prevent us from putting it into the class of regular
modern novels. But because of the interest of the narrative, the characters,
the dialogue, the dramatic power, and the grasp of ordinary life, it should be
regarded as a forerunner of the novel.
13-Give an account on the Drama of the age
of Dryden ?
The theatre was now a creature of
the demoralized مفسود اخلاقيا , world of fashion, as it reflected يعكس
the taste of its patrons. زبائن
The comedy has dash سرعه
and gaiety; مرح
and its wit خفه
الدم is plentiful وافر
but it is entirely بشكل
كامل lacking in truth to nature.
Tragedy, though it kept free from
the corruption of comedy. Its most popular form was that of the Heroic Drama.
Dryden himself was the master of
his from, which is shown in its perfection كمال
in his " Tyrannical love", and his
" conquest of Granada"
The fashion of the Heroic Drama did
not, however, last very long, and a reaction towards other forms set in his
" All for love" Dryden, reverted to
Shakespeare and blank verse الشعر
The age of pope (1700-1745)
14-What are the main characteristics of the
age ?
The writers became as preachers, واعظين
they convince people not through feelings but
through intellect.
It is a literature of,
intelligence, of wit, not a literature of emotion, passion, or creative energy.
The age of pope is sometimes called
the classic Age and sometimes the Augustan Age of English literature. It is
also called the age of " reason" or the age of the "
It is classical because poet and
critics use the classical literature as their models.
It is Augustine as the age of
Augustus was the golden age of Latin literature, so the age of pope was the
golden age of English literature.
Characteristics of the classical
school of poetry Classical poetry is didactic تعليمى
and satiric a poetry of argument and
criticism, of politics and personalities.
It show no real love of nature,
landscape, or country things and people.
In the age of pope, there were a
hatred of the 'Romantic in literature and a hatred of enthusiasm in religion.
The love of the form led to a
highly artificial style.
15- Give an account on the life and the
works of pope ?
Alexander pope (1688-1744) is
regarded as one of the most important Neoclassical poets and critics of the English Augustan period.
Pope's poetic career falls into
three periods:
To the period before 1715, he wrote: "four pastorals",
"The Messiah", and "Windsor forest"
pope's" An Essay of criticism" is regarded as his major critical
work. Pope intended the essay to be a treatise in which he formulates his
critical principles. The essay is of great importance since it sums up the
tenets تعاليم ideals of Neo-classicism.
Rape of the lock" which may be called pope's masterpiece. تحفه
فنيه pope defines the poem as "heroic
comical". It is better to call it a mock Epic.
The translation of the "lliad" and " The Odyssey" represents
the labors of pope's second period.
After the publication of his "Homer", pope confined قيد
himself to satiric and didactic تعليمي
poetry. He wrote " The principal work of
his third period are satire and Epistles to Dr.Arbu Dunciad" "The
Essay on Man" a poem in four.
15-What are The main characteristics of pope
He had neither the imaginative power nor the depth of feeling without
which great poetry is impossible.
His view of life was narrow and shallow سطحية
view. But he was the very embodiment تجسيد
of the idea of intelligence which was
currently known as "wit"
He is also the most excellent بارع
master of the classic couplet. Pope's couplet
was followed by all other poets till the early nineteenth century.
Other poets of the period
prior: he wrote a parody محاكاة ساخرة of
Dryden's " The Hind and the panther", entitled" The Town and
country Mouse". He produced an imitation تقليد
of " Hudibras"
called" Alma", and a long and very serious poem "Solomon"
John Gay:
he wrote "Fables" a series of six pastorals ", قصائد
رعوية the shepherd's week", "trivia', a
humorous description of the London street
Young: He wrote "Night Thoughts" a gloomy poem.
16-Talk about Drama in the age of Pope ?
Daniel Defoe is a journalist and
pamphleteer, He had the keenest sense of what the public wanted, because he is
a son of a butcher. Thus, he writes with acknowledge of his audience mainly the
puritan Middle classes and select themes which will have an immediate appeal of
He regards the novel not as a work
of the imagination but as a true relation.
دانيال ديفو هو صحفي وكاتب
منشورات كان لديه احساسا شديدا بما يريده الجمهور لأنه ابن جزار وهكذا فأنه يكتب
مع الاعتراف من جهوره والذى معظمه من الطبقات الوسطى باختيار المواضيع التي سيكون
لها نداء فورى منهم فهو .يعتبر
الرواية ليس عملا من الخيال بل كعلاقه حقيقية
Defoe proceeded to work
producing" The life and the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe", "
The Memoirs of a cavalier" , " Captain singleton" , " Moll
Flanders", etc. His fiction were still thrown into biographical form and
no attempt was made towards the organization of the materials into a systematic
منظم plot ; and, since it was his object at all
time to give to his invention the air and semblance شكل
of truth, his stories are told as if they were
stories of actual life.
وواصل ديفو العمل على انتاج "حياة
ومغامرات روبنسون كروزو" و "مذكرات الفرسان" و "الكابتن سينغلتون"
و "مول فلاندرز" وما الى ذلك وكانت خيالاته لاتزال تطرح فى شكل السيرة
الذاتيه ولم تبذل اى محاوله نحو الافكار فحبكه دراميه منظمه وبما انه كان هدفه فى
كل وقت لأعطاء اختراعه شكل حقيقى قصصه كما لو كانت قصص من الحياة الفعليه
The age of Johnson (1745-1798)
17- In the second
half of the eighteenth 18th century, there were great changes
taking place in the spirit of English society. Discuss
· The new generation reacted against
the coldness and the dryness of the preceding age.
· They began to crave يتشوق
الى something more natural and spontaneous in
thought and language.
· The emotion were now reinstated رجعت
الى وضعها and all life.
· We see this also in the case of
religion. The preachers used the feeling to convince people, not the reason.
· People became familiar with the
notion شعارات of liberty and equality.
· The literature will reveal in many
ways the conflict of old ideas and new.
18- Give an account about Samuel Johnson and
his main works ?
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) is an
English poet, critic and journalist. He is regarded as one of the eminent اهم
figures of the 18th century.
He wrote,' A dictionary of the
English language', in which he illustrated his definitions of elements of
literature by quotations اقتباسات taken from the English literature.
He published his didactic tale,
"Rasselas", in 1759
His largest and also his greatest
work," The lives of the Most eminent English poets with critical
Observations on their works " in 1779-1781.
He died in 1784, and was buried, in
Westminster Abbey.
As a critic of literature, he is
always penetrating ذو حث ثاقب and
stimulating. نشيط In all his tastes he was conservative and
holding the principles of the Augustan school of poetry.
Oliver Gold
The writer who stands nearest to
Johnson himself is Oliver Goldsmith.
Most of his works belong to the
class of what are popularly known as " Pot-boilers الارزقية
" His most important
works are " "The Traveler" and "The Deserted Village
", one novel" The vicar Wakefield", and two comedies " The
Good-Natured Man" and " she stoops to conquer."
To these should be added a number
of essays including a series entitled "the citizen of the world"
A striking مدهشه
feature of Gold Smith's original writing is
the strong personal element in all them.
Other Prose
Writers of The Period
Some of the best prose Work of
Johnson's age was done in history a field which was now cultivated with greater
success in artistic spirit than.
David Hume Wrote a "History Of
England" Which is characterized by clearness of style, but greatly marred فسد
by carelessness in facts and by strong favour
of the Stuart was against the puritans.
William Robertson Made a great mark
with his " History of Scotland", "History of Charles V",
and " History of America."
Edward Gibbon wrote "History
of the Decline and fall of the Roman Empire " That remains one of the
masterpieces تحفة of the Historical literature.
Edmund Burke, a man of noble
nature, who wrote: On American Taxation" and " On conciliation with
The Novel
19-Discuss the various elements through
which the Novel would undergo and signify the historical significant of
Compare and contrast both Richardson with
reference to Gothism discussing its illustrious importance to the
development of the Novel ?
fiction in England Before Richardson
It may be contended يجادل
that it was with Richardson that prose fiction
(Novel) passed into its modern from. Before him the novel was as the following:
During the age of Shakespeare, most
of the hands of Aphra Behn and several other women-writers. They began to
develop a form of story which was marked by brevity. الايجاز
Also, we must mention Bunyan's
effective use of fiction as allegory and the increasing popularity of biography
سيره used by Defoe.
In the first place, the popularity
of the Novel coincided with and depended upon the growth of a various reading
Secondly, the novel was a sign that
literature was beginning to get rid of the limitations of classicism.
Thirdly, the rise of the novel was
one result of the democratic movement in eighteenth century England. It
discussed all sorts and conditions of men, the middle class, and low life.
Samuel Richardson may be called the
father of the modern novel. He is a rich printer, who had reached the age of 50
without realizing any talent موهبه for
authorship; التأليف and then moved انتقل
by mere مجرد
accident his task when a true story had heard many
years before came to his mind.
No one, even Defoe, had yet written
a novel of contemporary social and domestic منزلية
life such a novel Richardson Produced in
" Pamela."
The story tells of a young girl,
who is a long time persecuted مضطهده by
the addresses معاكسات of the libertine فاسق
son of her mistress now dead and successfully
resists all his arts and intrigues خداع
until at last, his heart begin softened
towards her, he makes her his wife.
He also wrote two successors" تابعين
clarissa" and "sir Charles
"Clarissa" is
Richardson's masterpiece: and it is still regarded as one of the greatest of 18th
century novels.
Richardson's books are extremely
long, and are filled with repetitions and unimportant detain. They are all
written in the form of the letters which pass among the characters. He carried
on the ethical أخلاقي traditions of Addison and Steele. His works
contributed in the purification of the society.
He is an 18th century novelist. He turns
Pamela into burlesque هزل . This was the origin of " The Adventures of joseph
Andrews". As Richardson's heroine had been tempted تغوى by her master, so his
hero is tempted by his mistress; and he keeps up the parody" the greatest
novel of the eighteenth century. Fielding third great novel "Amelia"
appeared in 1751.
He was much concerned about the structural
principles of prose fiction , a matter to which neither Defoe nor Richardson
had given much attention Finally, he is a great social satirist that intended
it show the vice of his society.
He is an 18th century novelist.
He wrote half a dozen novels, the most important of which are " The
Adventures of Roderick Random", "The Adventures of Peregrine
Pickle", and "The Expedition of Humphrey clinker."
Smollett conceived the novel as
a large picture of life, and made little attempt to organize his materials into
artistic whole. His stories are simply strings خيوط of adventures. His fertility خصوبة of invention and animation are remarkable; but his characters
are generally very crudely بغير اتقان drawn. The world as he depicts expressly as a satirist and
reformer مصلح , and that his purpose
was to paint the evils of life.
The revival of romance
· While the eighteenth century
novel arose as a picture of men and sinners, some movements began to appear. A
revival of romance was the result. In this revival the most obvious name is
that of Horace Walpole, who has already been mentioned as a letter - writer.
· He bought a small house which
little by little he transformed it into a miniature صغير Gothic castle. The he wrote a Novel called
" castle of Otranto" This extraordinary book" Castle of Otranto
" impresses تدهشنا us
today as a mere jumble crude غير مقنن
Sensationalism الأثارة was the general
characteristic of the romantic fiction Ann Radcliffe gained a huge public by he
" Romance of the forest " , "The Mysteries of Ridolph", and
" The Italian", books which are very long , very complicated in plot,
full of thrilling مرعبه situations. Mathew Gregory Lewes, achieved a great success on
somewhat similar lines with his first book, "Ambrosia" or "The
20- What are the general characteristics of
verse after the romantic revival ?
The history of our later
18th century poetry is the History of a struggle between old and new and of the
gradual triumph نصر of the new On the one hand.
There were writers who followed the general practice of the
school of pope. On the other hand, other writers are against school of pope and
they end to fresh subjects, fresh forms, and fresh modes of feeling and
expression. Thus the Age of Johnson, in respect of its poetry, is an age of
transition تحول ,innovation ابداع , and varied experiment.
The New characteristics of become:
The new characteristics
of poetry become:
(1) Emotion, passion and imagination invaded غزت poetry to لكى تهدم وتحطم the destruction
of its dry intellectuality الفكر المجرد.
(2) The old didactic principles were
discarded ازيلت.
(3) Poetry ceased توقف to concern itself with
the "town" and began to deal with nature and rustic ريفيه life.
(4) The romantic spirit revived, and this
revival brought with it great changes in the themes of verse.
(5) Efforts were now made to break away from
the conventions عادات of poetic diction, and to substitute احلالها for these simplicity of phrase and the
language of nature.
(6) The supremacy سياده of the closed couplet
was attacked, and other forms of verse used in its place.
The continuance
of the Augustan Tradition
Neglecting many minor men, we may here
associate his with the names of two most important writers Johnson and
Goldsmith. In an epoch فتره of change, They held fast to the past. They were equally
convinced that the writers of the Augustan age provided " the true
standard for future imitation". This the creative work of both these
writers is classical in matter and manner.
Johnson's two chief
poems, " London" and "The Deserted village ", are didactic;
They are written in the closed couplet.
The reaction in form
In considering some
aspects of the reaction against the Augustan tradition, we may begin with the
change in from. The main feature of this reaction in style was the abandonment تركك of the pope an couplet
for experiments in other kinds of verse.
For example, the rise and spreading
popularity of blank verse.
The first
important piece of 18th century blank verse in Thomson's "seasons",
and squeal interest attached to what is known as the Spenserian revival.
This began quite early in the century with a
number of attempts to reproduce the Spenserian stanza, and even Spenser's
diction. Johnson's " The rambler" is evident of the extending power
of this particular movement.
The growth of the love of nature in
eighteenth century poetry
The growth of the
love of nature and of a feeling for a picturesque صور حيه is one of the most marked and interesting features in the
history of English poetry.
Thomas Parnell and Lady winchilsea show a
sense of natural beauty and the charms of rural life. For example, James
Thomson's "seasons" descriptive poem in which he gives us real
landscape ;he writes largely from personal knowledge and many of his minor
touches are marked by great precision احكام and sympathy.
The Development of naturalism
This return to
nature meant something more than an increasing feeling for the picturesque and
for the charms of the country. Greater simplicity in the subject-matter chosen,
in the passions described, and in language employed, were thus among the principal
objects aimed at by many poets.
At this point
mention may be made of the works of William blade. His "poetical
sketches"," songs of Innocence " and "songs of
experience" the love of the country , of simple life, of childhood and
home, marks him out as a leader in that naturalistic kind of poetry.
Meanwhile, another
contrasted phase of naturalism was being exemplified by Blake's contemporary
George Grabbe, in whose works; "The village", "The
Newspaper", "Tales in verse" and "Tales of the half"
it took the form of extreme realism.
By Romantic we can note:
(1) Spontaneity تلقائيه in literature, which
implies تتضمن the assertion التأكيد of individuality
against the conventions of the schools and the belief the poetic genius is
really inspired.
(2) A particular mood and temper, of which
strange passion, sensibility.
(3) A love of the wild, fantastic, abnormal غير مألوف and supernatural.
(4) A fondness اعجاب for a particular kind of subject-matter which was quite a
fresh kind in the middle of the 18th century, and which gave free play to
individual genius, and appealed to the newly taste for the marvelous.
(5) Ballad literature became popular with
general readers. The most important ballad book of the 18th century was bishop
Percy's "Reliques of Ancient English poetry".
(6) But for the full meaning of this phase of
the romantic movement we have to turn to what are known as the Ossianic Poems.
These Ossianic poems are filled with supernaturalism. The world they depicted
was a world of heroic simplicity set in a landscape of mountains and mists ضباب.
22-Give an account on Gray, Burns, and
Cowper ?
Thomas Gray, a great scholar
produced but little poetry, but what he wrote is not only fine in quality and
finish, but is also interesting as a kind of essence of the changes which are
coming over the literature of his time.
The "Elegy written in a
country churchyard" was published by in 1751 with this a great change
appears There is, first, the use of nature. There is next, the churchyard
scenes, the twilight atmosphere, and the melancholy of the poem, which at once
connect it with one side of romantic movement.
Robert Burns was endowed منح with a spontaneous
power of genius and an almost unrivalled خارج المنافسة gist جوهر of song. He is a Scottish peasant فلاح , he wrote frankly بصراحه as a peasant,
and became the poetic interpreter مفسر of the thoughts and feelings, humor, the homespun شعبيه philosophy the
joys, sorrows, passions, and superstition خرافه of the class from which he sprang. He read widely and
Perhaps more than any other poet
of the later 18th century he helped to bring natural passion back into English
William Cowper began to write
poetry late in life. He was not a student of poetry;
he gave little or no
attention to poetry as an art; he wrote just to express his own ideas in his
own way in his satires indeed he follows the conventional model of pope, but in
his principal poem, "The Task", he abandons tradition entirely and
pursues تبع an independent مستقل course. This long blank verse poem is one sense as much
the poetic masterpiece of late 18th century evangelicalism. In the sympathetic
treatment of nature and landscape he comes nearest of all eighteenth century
poets to wordsworth.
The age of wordsworth
"The older poets"
In fact, Romanticism is actually a
reaction against Neo-Classicism which was characterized by the following:
A-It emphasized the importance of
reason (Rationalism or intellectual
B- It is interested in the rules of
the ancient masters (Aristotle and Horace).
C- It is interested in poetic
diction ( highly elevated language)
D- It restricted imagination.
E- The function of poetry is to
give us instruction (moral values).
William WordsWorth
William WordsWorth [1770-1850] is
regarded as the greatest romantic poet and critic. He is the father of
romanticism. He wrote such many good poems that he is sometimes considered as
the third poet after Shakespeare and Milton.
The Lyrical Ballads and
Wordsworth's the theory of poetry.
William Wordsworth's "Preface
to the lyrical Ballads " is regarded as one of the most influential
documents in English literary criticism. It is a revolt against the
neo-classical principles and tenets.
Besides, it is a public declaration
(manifesto) of the principles of Romanticism.
In his preface to the second edition
of the 'Ballads', Wordsworth further sets his aims. The principal object
proposed in these poems was to choose incidents and situations from common
life, and to relate or describe them through in a selection of the language
really used by men, and at the same time to throw over them a certain coloring
of imagination, where by ordinary things should be presented to the mind in an
unusual aspects; and he goes on to say that humble and rustic life was
generally chosen because in that condition the essential passions of the heart
find a better soil in which they can attain their maturity. In this declaration
three points call for comment. In the first place, there is wordthworth's
choice of subject: In search of themes he goes straight to common life and humble
rustic life. Secondly, in the treatment of such theses, he sets out to employ
the appropriate language of actual life. Thirdly, Wordsworth specially guards
himself against the accusation of absolute realism by emphasizing his use of
imagination in the poetic transformation of his materials.
of William Wordsworth poetry
He uses simple language; the
language used by common people. He wrote about humble and rustic life'. Poetry
is the spontaneous overflow of powerful Feeling.
Subjectivity is the key note of
Romantic poetry. Thus, he expresses his personal thoughts, feeling through his
poems. Nature becomes all in all to the poet. The sounding cataract haunted him
like a passion. Nature was his beloved. He loved only the sensuous beauty of
nature. He has also a philosophy of nature.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Samuel Taylor Coleridge [1772-1834] is regarded as the second great
critic if the romantic age. He became acquainted with William Wordsworth who
became his intimate friend. The lyrical Ballads was the fruit of their
William Wordsworth was the poet of nature Coleridge became the poet of
imagination and supernatural action. The time of the ancient mariner
demonstrates Coleridge's talent for unsettling stories full of fantastic
imagery and magic.
The Younger Poets
Two generation of romantics;
Older Generation
They were born during the thirty
and twenty years preceding 1800.
The chief writers were wordsworth,
Coleridge, Scott, Southey, Blake,
Lamb and Hazlitt.
Younger Generation
They were born in the last decade
of the 1800.
The chief writer were Keats ,
Shelley and Byron.
The 1st generation
writer were older than the 2nd generation writers, the 2nd
generation writers died early.
The major writers of the 2nd
generation were primarily poets.
The writer of the 1st
generation, with the exception of Blake , all the second generation, only Byron
enjoyed fame while he was alive, more fame than any of the other romantic
Lord Byron
His greatness as a poet lies in the
satires he wrote.
B-The vision
C-Don Juan
She struggled against the causes of
human misery and accepted religion.
She saw goodness in the whole of
His poems take the theme of revolt.
A-The Ode to the West Wind
He is a pagan وثنى
who worships the gods of ancient Greece.
He is the last romantic poet and
the first to die.
His themes are very simple.
It tells about the downfall of the old gods and the rising of the new
gods of strength and beauty
B-Ode to a Nightingale
C-The Ode on Melancholy
General Prose
An important feature in the history
of prose literature during the age of William Wordsworth is the rise of the
modern review and magazines.
The Novel is began to seen as a
form preoccupied with تختص ب the relationship between self (human
psychology النفس البشرى )
And society sociological dimension
(البعد الاجتماعي)
.In this age, the Gothic novels appeared. Literary Gothicism means horror literature
which Romanic poet's wrote in the mid-18th century. The first Gothic
Novel is Horace Walpole's "The Castle of Otranto'.
Sir Walter Scott
Scott was the first British novelist to make a fortune by writing. His
popularity chiefly rests on his historical novels. In Scott's day, Scotland had
become settled and civilized.
Scott was fascinated by the Scottish past, its folklore, historical figures.
Scott always tries to recreate the atmosphere of the past, its scenery and
event, its vernacular, but most of all, he portrays man in his public and
social aspects, man that is to say, as he is conditioned by factors outside
himself, by his place and function in society, his relation to a historic past.
Scott's characters are embedded in a context of tradition, his history
becomes alive because of his characters, In very rare instances are they flat
characters; although they are presented from the outside, so to say, the public
view of them, Scott does it with such skillfully observed detail that we are
nearly always able to infer their inner lives.
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