حل السؤال الثانى فى الشيت صفحه 2

is a motivated deviation from linguistic or other
socially accepted norms.
It is a
basic principle of aesthetic communication. Foregrounding is certainly
valuable, if not essential, for the study of poetic language.
norms of the language are regarded as a "background' and features which
are prominent because of their abnormality are placed in focus. The obvious illustration of foregrounding
comes from the semantic opposition of literal and figurative meaning. In Dylan
Thomas's 'This Bread I Bread,' there are two kinds of foregrounded. GROUPINGS
the poet uses inanimate nouns and psychological words grape's joy ' and
'desolation in the vien.' Second he uses verbs of violent action in an
inappropriate context like
'broke---joy,' and 'broke the sun.
بداية اسئله الشيت
Write a short essay on the special language of literature.
=> Literature is a special language that has many features that
distinguish it from the ordinary language.
The First is that the work of literature is not only an imaginative representation of life. It is also a linguistic structure offering itself in terms of verbal selection and ordering.It does not like referential writing that conveys facts and ideas with the minimum possible distortion of the reality from which they spring.Whatever truths literature may yield.
its assessment is never based on whether it is "true" or "false" as a statement about things as they are.
The second is that literary language does not make assertions which the reader can go to verify or disprove on any evidence outside the work. Yet it is in touch with the reader's experince, when it goes beyond familiar usage, it is still our knowledge of the common core of language which allows us to judge whether the strager is artistically suvvessful. The language is used to convey an imaginative creation; the writer is answerable for the integrity of his linguistic choice, not for the accuracy of his information.
The third is the concentration of certain features which are rare of unnoticed in ordinary speech is a characteristic of literature such concentration is an aspect of what is known as foregrounding.The term foregrounding derives form visual art; the painter can bring something into prominence by setting it in the foreground of his picture and thus by the laws of perspective making it dominate the whole.
Foregrounding is achieved by some degree of deviation from the normal use of language. Our knowledge of how English normally works allows us to make quantitative judgement of how far the deviation has gone.
Literature is founded on a blend of the normally acceptable use of language with the deviant. If the deviation is too extreme and loses contact with the reader. the writer may have failed in that instance. It is wish, however, not to give up as soon as the ground becomes unfamiliar, but it is neccessary to follow the writer's orientation in order to see what language can really be made to do.
حل السؤال الثالث فى الشيت صفحه 3
Write stylistic analysis of dylan
Thomas's poem "this bread I break."
=> The speaker in the poem "This B read I break" by Dylen Thomas is eating bread and drinking wine. When he think seriously he finds that the bread he is eating now was in form of oat in the past and the wine in the form of grape in a foreign country.But man during the day and wind at night felled the oat and the grape. In the summer the juice of the vines beautiful.
Similarly, oat in the bread was happily dancing in the wind.But man destroyed the nature and natural products by destroying the oat and the grapes.
Now the speaker feels that, like oat and grape, he is also part of nature and therefore he assumes to be the food himself.And he addresses other diner and says that the flesh (bread) he is breaking and the blood (wine) he is dinking were oat and grape sometime in the past. It makes the speaker feel lonely and sad. And the speaker remids the diner that he is drinking the former's wine and eating former's bread.
The poem " This bread I break " is a poem with multiple meanings. On a simple level, the poem is about nature: it is nature's voice reminding human beings that they are consuming and spoling her. But,at a deeper level, it echoes the voice of jesus christ reminding his followers to remember his sacrifice and his path of salvation. We can also interpret the poem as the voice of the poet, the creative artist or the intellectual telling us that we are consuming, enjoying and destroying the product of their toil and struggle. In every way, the poem tells us that we depend on different sources for life: for food, for ideas, for spirituality, for living as aesthetic, intellectual and social beings.The poem is also striking in its style, its music and word game.
حل السؤال الرابع فى الشيت صفحه 4
1-Write briefly on Charles Dickens use of vocabulary in David Copperfield.
=> Dickens's use of language is Copperfield is characterized by the frequent recurrence of a number of words that correspond toe some aspect of his personality.
In the first place, there are three adjectives which are; 'little','own' and 'old' .
"Little" is constantly used by Dickens where another auther might have used "small". But she prefers "little" for its emotional implications not given by "small"
Ti reveals his personal emotional approach to situations. We found it in a series of 14 chapters, when Emily is called "little Emily". This adjective occurs 19+ times.
The adjective "own" comes to reflect the intense self-pity and solitude. In the same group of fourteen chapters as above there are 85 "owns". We have some examples such as; " I have my own opinion..."," my own means..." and" your own boy...". this word is particularly striking in the Murdstone and Grinby episode.
The adjective "old" occurs 97 times.This adjective was used in the emotional sense of "familiar" rather than the primary sense of "not young". We have many examples such as ; "old flower","old little corner"...etc.
Besides his sentimental tendency, his natural intensity is clearly revealed by words like "quite","great","indeed",by the phrase 'agood' or 'a great'-'deal', and by the presence of numerous superlatives and other forms of reinforcement. We have some examples about these, "I was quite tried". Within eight chapters, we find 30 uses of "indeed" most in the character's speech. The word "great" was used to reflect the surprise. "great" occurs 85 times. He used the superlatives and he reinforced it by 'ever', 'never',"I never was so much afraid of any one".
He also fond of the strong expressions, so he used the words "hardly,almost", " I hardly ever...saw both" and was fond of spontaneous modes of expression such as ; " quite heart-broken", "greatly dejected", "most amazing".....etc.
Another thing that is obvious is his using for the verb "said" much in dialogue;"said he" and for the stage directions, " I looked at him...etc.
حل السؤال الخامس فى الشيت صفحه 4
Discuss briefly the "use of imagery in Hamlet.'
=> In hamlet, we find ourselves in an entirely different atmosphere from that of Romeo and Juliet and this is due to the number of images of sickness, disease or blemish of the body.Hamlet speaks of his mother's sin as "a blister on the fair forehead of an innocent love". He speaks of her " sick soul" and as in king Lear the emotion is so strong and the picture is so vivid, that the metaphor overflows into the verbs and adjectives.
He compares eh unneccessary fighting between Norway and poland to a kind tumor which grows out of too much prosperity. He sees the country and the people in it alike in terms of a sick body needing medicine or the surgeon's knife. He describes the action of conscience in the unforgettable picture of the healthy, ruddy countenance turning pale with sickness.
When he hears of the murder of poloninus, he declares that his weakness is not sooner having had hamlet sht up was comparable to eh cowardly action of man with a "foul disease"
To keep it from divulging, let it feed
Even on the pith of life
Finally, he sums up the essence of the position and its urgency with lightening vividness in a short medical phrase;
But to quick o' the back
This image pictures and reflects not only the outward condition which causes hamlet's spiritual illness, but also his own state, Indeed, the shock of the discovery of his father's murder and the sight of his mother's conduct have been such that when the play opens hamlet has already begun to die, to die internally. To Shakespeare's pictorial imagination, therefore, the problem in hamlet is not that of will and reason, of a mind too philosophic or a nature unfitted to act quickly.He sees it as something greater and even more mysterious.That is the tragedy of hamlet as it is perhaps the chief tragic mystery of life.