د/ محمد عبد الهادى
1-Morphology is the study of words-structure naturalization
البنيه الداخليه للكلمه
2-It is the study of the internal structure of words.
Ex[Natur - al - iz - ation]
3-The smallest unit in morphology is the morpheme.
4-A morpheme can have a meaning or a grammatical function.
Ex:-Nature-al---Has no meaning
A grammatical function
5-Morphemes can be---Lexical
That have a meaning
Ex:Man /boy/ Nature
They have no full meaning
If they have a full meaning
That don't have full meaning grammatical morphemes
5-Morpheme can be[derivational
derivational --- nature-natural
naturalizate تشتق كلمات جديده
Inflextional ---cat=cats
Naturalization تطبيع العلاقات
6-Allomophes-----Actual phonological realization of morphemes.
cats koets
dogs dog
Natur al iz ation
4 Morphemes
Word Formation Processes
1-It is one of the least common processes of word formation
2-It is invention of totally words.
3-These words are mostly trade names.
4-Example nylon-aspirn-xerox
1-It is the most common processes.
2-It is the talking one of words from other language.
Piano-------->is an italian word