:Use the gerund in 5 sentence of your own in

Gerund in french
Max ayant le ballon devant lui court vers l'autre bout du terrain*
.un match passionnant*
.une equipe surprenante*
Le temps n'etant pas trop mauvais, Max a pu jouer au foot*
.En jouant a marque un but*
Gerund in English
Swimming in the ocean has been sharon's passion since she was *
.five years old
.Let's go dancing at the club tonight*
.I've been dreaming of summer all winter long*
Holly decided that flying above the clouds was the most*
.incredible experience she'd ever had
Bill avoided doing his math assignment because the world series *
.was on
Gerund in Arabic
السباحه تمرين جيد*
التدخين مضر*
اكره الاستيقاظ مبكرا*
هل تمانع فتح النافذه*
حصل على المال من بيع سيارته*