د/ ابراهيم السايح
كيفيه تحويل الامر الى مبنى للمجهول
1- نبدأ ب Let
2- نضع المفعول بعدها مباشره
3- نضع v to be
4- نضع اسم المفعول past participle
Give me this ==== Let this be given to me
1- Participle is a verbal adjective.
2- participle in english are based on the two tenses: present ,past
I do this.
I فاعل do فعل this مفعول
I had done this. ===== I had this done.
Present==== stem+ing
past ==== various forms
most of them
are the same
are the past simple
Present ====== stem+ant
past ====== 1st & 2nd conj. by removing the last letter of the inf 3rd irregular
اسم الفاعل
اسم المفعول
3-uses of participles
-adjective (epithet of attribute)
-complex tenses
-to replace subordinate verbs
1-The defeated army began to turn
2- -9 have seen him
-9 had seen him
-9 shall have seen him
3- Having done this, he became happy.
After he had done this -----
Adjective are either epithet or attribute.
.This is the #beautif girl.
.This girl is #beautiful.
4 درجات اعمال سنه مقابل
Write a paragraph in Arabic on your own birth-place without using in verb.
اكتب برجراف عن مكان مولدك بدون استخدام اى افعال فى صفحه واحده
1- Aprَes quiَ la vu la femme, il etait trَes heureux.
2- After the war had been announced, the general attacked at once.
3- If you do your duty, you will win.
4- Nous avons lu la leçon qui était facile.
1-Je suis un #officier, Je suis #Egyption.
2-Did You #See The Team which #lost the game ?
3-The #occuried city began to #liberate itself.
#حول الافعال الى اسم فاعل او اسم مفعول
رأيت الرجال يقومون الليل ويعملون فى النهار
الناس نائمون والفنانون مازالو ماهرين حتى بعد الفجر