د/ ابراهيم السايح
Change into simple:-
1-Although he is a theif, she loves him.
2-If you do all of this, you will surely win.
3-We saw the children, while they were playing a football game.
4-Did you read the lesson which the teacher had already explained ?
5-Had the allies defended rome after the pensians had stormed the camp ?
Change into Complex:-
1-The Peace having been announced,the army becam idle.
2-In spite of his full ignorance,he became so famous.
3-By killing such criminals,you can seek security.
4-This is the maiden loved by all the men of the town.
5-An elided paragraph will lead you to a wrong answer.
Give examples of your own to show the use of the ablative:
Absoloute in:[English-Arabic-French]
امثله من عند حضرتك للجمله المعلقه فى العربى والانجليزى والفرنسى
Impersonal Moods
ان الله يحب اذا عمل احدكم #عملا ان #يتقنه
قام رجال مجهولون بالاستيلاء على خزانه البنك
متى كان القادم افضل ؟ وهل الحاضر لا يروقك الا مجبرا ؟
مطلوب لاعبون لفريق صاعد حديثا للدورى الممتاز.
ان شئت اداء هذه المباراه عليك ان تكون لائقا تماما
1-Give the impersonal moods in these clauses.
2-Parse the underlined.
3-Written translation into english.
Impersonal Moods
1-Playing is much better than eating.
2-Giving others helps to be a human being.
3-Going home in the evening and coming back in the morning is the life of yours.
4-By doing this you win,and by doing and thinking you will be the only winner.
5-She loves loving others,but she loves no one of those,by loving she makes her life warmer.
Comment on the impersonal moods.