ملخص محاضرات الاسبوع الثالث

د/ ابراهيم السايح

د/ ابراهيم السايح
اعمال سنه
Write an essay in Arabic on your own friends without using verbal
Translate it into English
.Comment on your English Translation
[Indicative-Subjunctive-Imperative]-[Participle-Infinitive -Gerund]
تم شرح
-:Uses of participle
Replaces a subordinate verb
Replaces a verb in a compound sentences
Latin Participle is inflexional in: Gender-Number-Case
.The beloved girl is a roman
.Amata puella est romana
After the city had been stormed, we took it
.urbem expugnatam cepimus
حذف الكلمات الملونه
I saw the soldiers while they were attacking the camp
.Milites castra pugnantes vidi